Supertonic School of Music

Why Technique Matters For All Guitarists

Why Technique Matters For All Guitarists

Why Technique Matters For All Guitarists, Whatever Your Style What is guitar technique and why does it matter?  The point of having good technique on guitar is to have the freedom to express what you hear in your head.. So that if you hear a fast...

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Encourage your child to practice guitar

Why are you struggling to encourage your child to practice guitar when there are video games around?  A lot of parents express to us that they are struggling with their child practicing guitar because they always want to play their video games. ...

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Easy Ways To Create Your Own Chord Progressions

Easy ways to create your own chord progressions When you start learning guitar, most of the times you begin with learning some basic open major, minor or 7th chords. After a while, you expand your chord vocabulary to some advanced or suspended...

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2 Critical Ear Training Exercises You Must Master

Two critical ear training exercises you must master It is very obvious that having a good ear is important for all musicians, but it is especially important for guitarists to consciously train and focus on this. As guitar players we don’t get any...

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Parent Support Childs Development On Guitar

What Parents Can Do To Support Their Child’s Development On Guitar As a guitar teacher and trainer I teach a lot of kids how to play the guitar. One of the most most important things, in this process is actually not me teaching the kid, but...

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3 Guitar Practice Myths That Slow Down Your Musical Progress

3 Guitar Practice Myths That Slow Down Your Musical Progress By Mike Philippov To become a good guitar player quickly, you must make your guitar practice as effective as possible. Effective guitar practice is about: Knowing what to do to improve...

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How To Guarantee Results When Practicing Guitar

How To Guarantee Results When Practicing Guitar Disclaimer: only you are responsible for your results. I cannot guarantee anything. This approach is considered a way for you to guarantee and ensure your progress when practicing guitar. There is...

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