Supertonic School of Music

4 Question You Need to Ask Guitar Teacher

4 Question You Need to Ask Guitar Teacher

Four Questions You Need to Ask a Guitar Teacher Before Studying With Them Finding a great guitar teacher will help you learn faster, reduce your frustration, and make learning to play more fun. Unfortunately, many teachers are not very effective...

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Creating An Effective Warm Up Routine

Creating An Effective Warm Up Routine Warming up before playing is a crucial part of your long-term progress as a guitar player. One of the benefits is that you prime your fingers to make the most efficient motions and use the minimum amount of...

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3 Major Mistakes Of Beginners

The 3 Major Mistakes of Beginners When you start out learning how to play the guitar, most of the students do not know, what they have to focus on in order to get maximum results in the shortest amount of time. One simply does not know what the...

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How To Create A Groove Using Harmonized Scales

How to Create a Groove Using Harmonized Scales Introduction Many times in lessons, I create a groove for students (using a looper or midi-generating pedal or software) on the fly for them to solo over or practice switching chords with.  The...

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Comparing How Amateurs And Professionals Jam

Comparing How Amateurs and Professionals Jam Because of the unpredictable nature of a jam session, each participant’s musicianship really comes to the fore in many ways.  I have run many jam sessions that were open to the public over the years...

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Guitar Playing With Turnarounds #1 Guide

Guitar Playing With Turnarounds #1 Guide

How To Spice Up Your Blues Guitar Playing With Turnarounds Blues is a great style to jam with other guitar players and musicians. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself to be a blues player or not, with just a little knowledge and know how...

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Why you should NOT quit guitar lessons

Why you should NOT quit guitar lessons when your life gets stressful Every guitar teacher knows that guitar lessons are often the first thing that students give up on when their life gets more stressful due to school or work demands, while other...

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2 Simple Ways To Get Creative With Your Open Chords

2 Simple Ways To Get Creative With Your Open Chords A common trend I see in lots of guitar players as they start out, is that once they’ve learned their open chords, they get bored and want to move onto something else (learn new chords in other...

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How I Climbed Mount Everest

How I climbed Mount Everest… Imagine this – you’re at the base of Mount Everest. You’ve got all your hiking gear on and you’re ready to climb.  Now just the idea of climbing this mounting can seem pretty like a daunting task. I mean… that’s...

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Why You Should Understand The Fundamentals

More Than A Theory: Why You Should Understand Music Fundamentals On Guitar Over the years of my playing guitar and taking guitar lessons, I have noticed that many guitarists tend to not learn basic fundamentals of music which is a shame since...

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